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Pension News

Transferring Defined Contribution Pensions

Often when an employee leaves a job, they are given the option to continue contributing to their current scheme. However, some people like to explore their options and transfer their defined contribution plan into a new scheme which provides them with more options. Employees approaching retirement may also consider transferring their pension, often because their […]

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Defined Benefit Pension Transfers

Defined benefit (DB) pension schemes are often desirable for their potential extra security in retirement. They ensure that people are guaranteed a certain level of income upon retirement. But in recent years, people have been given the option of exchanging their DB pension for a cash value and transferring into a different pension type. Significant […]

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Can I transfer a stakeholder pension?

If you hold a stakeholder pension and are considering transferring it to a different pension type or provider, then this is possible. You will need to consider a number of different details before making a decision: * If a transfer is in your best interest * Where you should transfer your stakeholder pension * If […]

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Pension Risk Transfer

What is ‘pension risk transfer’ and how does it affect me? A pension risk transfer is when a defined benefit pension scheme no longer wants to keep paying out a guaranteed income to its members. This can be for various reasons, for example: people living longer, more people joining the scheme than predicted, or less […]

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Can I transfer my protected rights pension?

Since these protected rights funds have become your normal defined contributions (DC) benefits, your question is on whether you can transfer your funds from your existing scheme to another. You can certainly transfer your defined contributions benefits to a range of schemes, as long as your chosen scheme is another registered UK pension plan. When […]

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Occupational pension transfers

What is an Occupational Pension Transfer? An occupational pension transfer is where you give up your pension in return for a lump sum and reinvest it in another scheme or use the cash sum yourself. Since the Financial Freedom Act 2015, more people are taking advantage of a pension transfer from a salary-related pension scheme, […]

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Pensions transfers upon death

What are the rules around transferring a pension on the holder’s death? When it comes to the rules for pension transfers upon death, unfortunately they differ between pension types and provider. Some rules relating to age and taxes remain the same, however: * If the pension holder died before they were 75, then any benefits […]

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Can I transfer from a NEST pension?

You can transfer money out of your NEST at any time, provided it is to another registered pension scheme. It’s important to note that you must have stopped making contributions into your NEST retirement pot, before you can transfer your money to other pension schemes. What other pension schemes could I transfer to? As long […]

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Can I transfer my workplace pension?

In most cases, transferring your workplace pensions is possible. To be certain, you should check the details of the company pension or pensions, you’re considering transferring, paying special attention to the terms and conditions section. When transferring your workplace pension, you must make sure you read all the details relating to a transfer carefully. That’s […]

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Can I take a 25% lump sum from my final salary pension and leave the rest where it is?

I’m 57 and have a final salary pension. I want to know whether I can take 25 per cent and leave the rest. If I do have to remove it all together would I receive less than its current value? Whilst I can’t advise on whether taking a 25 per cent lump sum would be […]

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Can I transfer my pension to an ISA?

Although transferring funds directly from a pension to an ISA is not typically permitted, provided it is defined contribution (DC) pension scheme, you are likely able to withdraw your funds from the age of 55 and move them to another product, such as an ISA. You can do this with a defined benefit pension (DB), […]

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Transfer a Deferred Pension

What is a deferred pension? A deferred pension is a UK pension where you have stopped paying into the scheme, but you are not yet receiving a pension. Or that you have delayed claiming your pension, based on the premise that the longer you wait to claim, the more money you will receive in payments. […]

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Can I transfer an ISA into a pension?

If you’re a UK resident and either a basic-rate or higher rate taxpayer, ISAs are a very attractive form of saving as any gain is free of both income and capital gains tax. However, whilst ISAs are allowed to grow tax-free they do not offer tax relief on any contributions, which is such a key […]

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Can I Transfer my Pension to Another Person?

You can only transfer your pension to someone else in exceptional circumstances. A pension is personal and there is no legal structure to transfer your pension pot to someone else, except in the case of divorce or dissolving a civil partnership. The only other circumstance when your pension pot can be transferred to someone else […]

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Can I transfer a Section 32 Pension?

If your pension holds enough funds to honour all the rules of the pension when it was initially transferred out, then you can transfer your section 32 pension out to a different pension and provider. If it doesn’t hold enough funds, which you can no longer add to then transferring a section 32 pension becomes […]

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Can I Transfer my UK Pension to a New Job?

If you leave an employer, the pension you have accrued whilst employed remains yours, so even if you leave your pension in situ, you will still receive that as a pension when you reach the retirement age as stipulated in scheme’s rules. You can continue to pay into it yourself, or you can transfer the […]

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How Long Should a UK Pension Transfer Take?

The timescales will vary however, according to research carried out by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the average time it takes to complete a uk pension transfer is 16 days. Remember that is the average, as there have been cases where transfers have taken over six months, the average for a defined benefit transfer is […]

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How Safe Is My SIPP?

Your SIPP is protected, though the extent of this protection depends upon the investments your SIPP holds. FSCS protection The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) was designed to help you when an authorised firm fails. It paid out over £110m in compensation for SIPP-related claims in 2017-18. Having FSCS protection means that… * It’s automatically […]

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How couples differ in retirement planning

Financial planning for couples generally starts with the assumption that the two parties will share common goals, that they want to do things together and know how to agree on what they will do next. But that is not always going to be the case, especially around the challenges of retirement. Perhaps the single, greatest […]

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What are the UK Pension rules?

How does tax relief on pension contributions work? To encourage people to save for their retirement, the government will pay tax relief on money you pay into a UK pension. This is equivalent to the level of income tax you pay and effectively means you make your contributions from pre-taxed income. So, if a basic-rate […]

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UK Pension – Can I cash in my entire Pension?

Part of the April 2015 pension rules changes, made it possible to take your entire UK pension fund in one go as cash for you to spend as you wish. You can do this from the age of 55. However, there are considerable tax implications to be aware of before doing this. You can close […]

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What is a UK Company or Workplace Pension Scheme?

A Company or Workplace UK Pension is one that’s organised for you by your employer. They work by you paying a percentage of your salary into the pension scheme every payday. Should I take a workplace pension? In the majority of cases, the government and your employer contribute to your pension. This is the defining […]

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Should I transfer my final salary pension?

You can transfer a final salary workplace pension to unlock the cash from it, but you need to be aware of all the facts before you consider transferring a final salary pension. What are the benefits of final salary pensions? Defined benefit and final salary pensions give you a guaranteed income when you come to […]

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UK Pension Reviews

How well is your current UK pension plan performing? UK Pension reviews You may not be appreciative of the importance of reviewing your UK Pension scheme on a regular basis, principally since the UK Pension Freedom reforms of 2015 gave people more choices for accessing their retirement savings than ever before. Tax relief on contributions […]

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Salary Sacrifice & Salary exchange UK Pension Schemes

If you want to put more disposable income into your pension then a Salary sacrifice scheme maybe the solution. Salary sacrifice schemes or salary exchange schemes are becoming more popular for employees looking to increase their pension contributions. What is a salary sacrifice scheme? A salary sacrifice pension scheme is an arrangement between you and […]

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Frozen or dormant UK Pensions

Many people have enrolled into UK pension schemes when starting a new job, but have subsequently left and forgotten to combine the funds when switching to a new employer or perhaps they didn’t realise they needed to. These inactive pensions are often named frozen pensions, or sometimes referred to as dormant pensions or preserved pension. […]

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Investing in Property with a Self Invested Personal Pension (SIPP)

How does a property SIPP work? A Property SIPP isn’t a different type of SIPP, any SIPP can hold property within its portfolio. It has all the tax efficiencies of a traditional SIPP, but it doesn’t allow you to invest directly in residential property. You can though, use a SIPP to invest in commercial property, […]

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Can I Transfer my UK Pension to my US 401k?

Can I transfer my UK pension to the US? There are roughly one million British expats who are now resident in the US, there are also many hundreds of thousands of US citizens who have worked in the UK and are entitled to UK Pension benefits. If you are planning to retire in the USA […]

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State Pension Inheritance Rules for Unmarried Couples

Many private pensions schemes can now be inherited by cohabiting partners by simply stating your next of kin in the death benefit nomination forms, however the UK state pension system is different and entirely based around legal marriage or civil partnership. In the UK over six million people are living together as couples, but the […]

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Is Self-invested Personal Pension (SIPP) right for you?

hile SIPP’s are appropriate and suitable for some investors, they are not suitable for everyone and some investors may find that other pension savings schemes could be much better suited to their circumstances. There are people investing in Sipps who shouldn’t be, and paying more in fees than they should be, who would be better […]

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UK expats moving to the US – Taxation Guide

If you are a UK Expat and are moving to the USA there are tax implication you may need to contemplate. Whatever the country you are wondering moving to, you will always need to pay taxes, and every nation has its own system and some are considerably more complex than those in the UK. The […]

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The Advantages & Disadvantages of Taking Lump Sums From Your UK Pension

Uncrystallised Funds Pension Lump Sums You can leave your money in your current UK Pension fund and take lump sums when you need to. This is named ‘uncrystallised funds pension lump sums’, or UFPLS. They are uncrystallised because you haven’t moved the money out of the pot and into another product, such as income drawdown […]

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The Financial Benefits You Can Claim When You Retire

When you retire, there are a variety of benefits, discounts and advantages on offer once you reach retirement age. Some are offered by the state like pension top-ups, there is help to enable you to meet the cost of energy bills or free and discounted travel. However, you have to remember to claim them, as […]

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How to save into a UK Pension if you are self-employed

Saving for a UK pension for those who are self-employed can often be more challenging compared to people who are not self-employed. This particularly holds as the self-employed are not automatically “auto-enrolled” into any particular UK pension. In comparison, auto-enrolment makes it compulsory for employers to offer eligible workers a workplace pension, and it is […]

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Looking after your dependants when you retire

When you retire, as well as ensuring that you will have enough money, it’s a good idea to make sure that your partner and/or children will be provided for too. There are several ways this can be achieved. Before retirement Once you retire Buying an annuity Before retirement All defined benefit workplace British Pension Schemes […]

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UK Pension Transfers – Understanding International SIPPS

Demand for UK Pension Transfers Overseas remains high among UK expats despite UK taxman’s constant adjusting. For many advisers focusing their efforts on a market that has reduced by 75% over the past four years might not seem like a sensible idea. But the falling number of UK Pension transfers to qualifying recognised overseas pension […]

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UK Pension Transfers – Understanding QROPS

The Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme (Qrops) system was first introduced in April 2006. It was designed to allow UK expats permanently living overseas to simplify their affairs and enable them to continue to save to provide an income for retirement by allowing their UK pensions transfer to a QROPS based pension based in their […]

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Widow’s UK pension and bereavement allowance

What financial support can I get when my partner dies? If you’re financially dependent on your partner or spouse, you may consider how you will cope financially. The government does offer some financial support to those who have lost a partner. The bereavement allowance. It used to be known as the widow’s pension. How much […]

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Retiring overseas and paying tax

Retiring abroad could affect your income tax bill, as well as the amount of tax you pay on your savings and pension. Do I pay UK tax if I live abroad? If you move abroad for good, your income tax liability moves with you. You may still have UK tax to pay on investment or […]

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Annuity Rates

What is an annuity rate? Annuity rates determine the amount of regular income you will receive in return for your UK pension savings. They are displayed as to how much money you’ll get every year for every £100,000 you pay in. An annuity rate of 5% would mean you’ll get £5,000 for every £100,000 you […]

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Take 25% tax-free, then get a flexible income drawdown product

With this option you take your 25% tax-free lump sum all at once. Then with the remainder you get a flexible income drawdown product. What is a drawdown? This is an investment product. So your money will be buying a mix of investments – shares, funds, gilts, corporate bonds or more. The aim is that […]

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Maximise your UK pension by avoiding the main dangers

There are many UK pension planning dangers to avoid. Consolidate your UK pensions from previous employments Consolidating your pension pots from previous employments into one flexible pension account is usually cheaper to administer and easier to understand, with a single balance that you can check any time. Consolidation allows you to take your savings out […]

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Take lump sums leaving the rest invested in your UK pension

You take cash from your UK pension as and when you need it, but the bulk of your pension money remains exactly where it is in your pension making it similar to a bank account. How does it work? When you do take cash, a quarter of each amount is tax-free, the rest is taxed […]

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Retiring abroad and your UK pension

Find out how your UK Private pension and UK state pension is paid and how your other retirement savings are affected when you retire abroad. Retiring abroad with a UK state pension The basic state pension for 2020-21 is £134.25. To get this under the old system, you need to have made a minimum of […]

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Keep the cash in your UK pension

Keeping your cash in your UK pension the most common option for those who are of an age when they can take their pension. Because while you can take your pension from age 55, for many people that is too young because they will still be working – if you’re 55 but you’ve got another […]

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Receiving your UK pension

When the time arrives to start receiving your pension you will need to make a few decisions, firstly though you need to understand what sort of pension you have. There are to main types of UK Pensions: Defined Contribution Pension The majority of pensions in the UK fall into this category. With this type you […]

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UK Pension Advice – How long will you live?

You pay into your pension all your working life and once you’re over 55 you’re allowed to take the money out. However, the point of saving for your pension is usually so that you’ll have money to use when you’re finished your career. If you use the money before you stop working, or even before […]

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Government to pay 3% pension contributions for furloughed staff

The government has confirmed grants to pay workers’ wages during the coronavirus crisis will also cover employer auto-enrolment (AE) pension contributions. This forms part of the government’s ‘job retention scheme’ announced last week, in which it agreed to pay 80% of salaries for employees who are asked to stop working but kept on the company […]

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Pension tax relief is not claimable on in-specie contributions in UK SIPP

HM Revenue & Customs has claimed victory in a major industry case, after the Upper Tribunal ruled pension tax relief is not claimable on in-specie contributions and paved the way for the taxman to reclaim millions. The ruling is of particular importance as it sets a precedent for the pensions industry. Many pensions administrators had […]

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Pensions Regulator suspends UK final salary pension transfers

While transferring your UK final salary pension could unlock more flexible pension arrangements, savers need to be aware that they are sacrificing their guaranteed retirement income. Until now, the choice has been for savers to make. But as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Pensions Regulator has introduced emergency measures. Some 5,500 defined benefit […]

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Waspi women demand UK State Pension access

The Women Against State Pension Inequality (Waspi) group is calling on the government to take urgent action to help 1950s women who are experiencing financial hardship as a result of the Covid-19 crisis. The group of women born in the 1950s affected by an increase in the state pension age have called on the government […]

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The retired are missing out on UK state pension payments during lockdown

Pensioners and benefits claimants could be running out of money because they do not know about alternatives to collecting their cash in person. Around 900,000 retirees and those on benefits get their payments in cash at a Post Office counter using a Post Office Card Account. But the coronavirus lockdown means many of this group […]

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Defined Benefit UK Pension Deficit Falls by £80bn in April

The overall deficit of defined benefit (DB) UK pension scheme fell by £80bn to £210bn during April 2020. The fall reverses a £60bn increase in March, following the Covid-19 outbreak, with the deficit now placed at similar levels at the end of January. Defined benefit funding levels returned from the £290bn deficit at the end […]

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UK Pension Transfers risk warning letter

UK Pension scheme trustees will be informing members via a letter about the risks of transferring out of their defined benefit scheme amid the current Covid-19 crisis. According to guidance published by the Pensions Regulator, trustees will be sending Defined Benefit members looking to transfer retirement funds a letter warning them of the risks during […]

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UK Pension Rule Changes For Returning Public Sector Key Workers

The government has announced temporary tax changes designed to protect the pension income of key workers in the public sector returning to work to support Covid-19 efforts, such as NHS doctors and nurses returning to work after the recent Government request. The tax rules in question would otherwise apply “significant charges” to the pension income […]

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11% of employers seek UK pension contribution easements

A recent report stated that 11% of employers that are seeking easements on UK pension contributions have asked for a reduction, while 89% asked for a suspension. The research showed 15% had requested a suspension of all contributions, 67% requested to suspend deficit reduction contributions (DRCs) only, and 15% asked to suspend both DRCs and […]

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British Pensions – Need Innovative Solutions

A recent survey found that 70% of employers argued that the British Pension Schemes lack innovation in the pensions market. It needs new ideas and innovative solutions, 65% of employers suggested that British Pensions were far too complicated and that providers were failing to innovate enough to offer new solutions and progressive ideas in their […]

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¾ of UK Pension funds see reduction in funded levels

¾ of UK pension funds have experienced more than a 6% reduction in funded levels in 2020 when compared to 2017, according to a review of actuarial valuations of 190 pension funds. While reviewing actuarial valuations effective March 31 or April 5,it was found that another 25% of the funds, have seen an improvement in […]

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Lockdown adds £10bn to deficit of UK pension final-salary funds

Companies could be required to find large sums to top up UK pension funds after new figures showed that more than £10bn was added to the combined deficit of the UK’s final-salary-style schemes during March. With the coronavirus shutdown causing mayhem on companies and stock markets around the world, the total deficit of the UK’s […]

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UK Personal Pensions Dominate Isas for Retirement Saving

More than 51% of people would save into a UK Personal Pension to accumulate savings for their retirement, making this the most popular retirement product, according to the latest poll. The poll asked financial advisers which savings vehicle clients were most likely to use to accumulate savings for retirement. UK Personal Pensions were the most […]

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UK Pension Pots Sit Dormant

Dormant UK pension pot numbers have risen to a record high of 18 million. When eligible workers start a new job, they are automatically enrolled, and when they leave that job for the next one, their pension pot stays where it is. Continually changing jobs, low pension contributions and a large number of providers operating […]

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Income Drawdown is the Most Popular Way to Access UK Pension Pot

More than 50% of people are likely to access retirement savings through income drawdown, according to the latest poll. The poll asked financial advisers how their clients were receiving their income in retirement. Income drawdown was the most popular, as 52% of advisers said clients most commonly opted for this approach as a way to […]

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UK Pension Transfer Times Improve

UK Pension Transfer times in the UK have improved over the past year, with simpler UK Pension Transfers taking just seven calendar days. The index showed that average times from point of request to transaction had fallen from 9.3 days in 2018/19, to 8.8 days for 2019/20. Meanwhile simpler transfers had fallen from an average […]

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Thousands missing out on £30,000 in UK state pension

National Insurance credits for military spouses are going unclaimed National Insurance credits could top up the state pension of over 20,000 Britons, but around £480m is yet to be claimed. Partners of armed forces personnel who spent time overseas may be entitled to National Insurance credits towards their state pension. Yet so far, over 80% […]

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Hundreds of companies to stop UK Pension top-ups over coronavirus

Hundreds of companies are expected to abandon attempts to fill shortfalls in their UK pension schemes during the coronavirus crisis. UK Pension experts suggests top-up contributions will be cut by at least £500m. Debenhams has already missed a payment and the Arcadia group, which owns Topshop, plans to stop them temporarily. Regulators are allowing companies […]

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Lifetime allowance rises to £1.073m

The lifetime allowance has risen to £1,073,100 for the 2020-21 tax year, which is the lowest amount the government could have increased it to under current rules. The lifetime allowance, the overall limit of tax privileged pension funds an individual can accrue during their lifetime, will increase in line with September’s inflation figures of 1.7% […]

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The Pensions Regulator gives guidance on salary sacrifice arrangements for UK pension contributions

The Pensions Regulator has given guidance to large employers on UK pension contributions for employees who have agreed to a salary sacrifice arrangement. It emphasised that when employers are calculating the pension contributions of furloughed workers with a salary sacrifice arrangement, any contractual and pension scheme rule obligations will continue to apply as normal. It […]

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HMRC UK pension schemes rates and allowances for 2020-21

HMRC have updated their pensions schemes rates and allowances guidance to the annual allowance and money purchase annual allowance for 2020–21. Standard lifetime allowance Tax year & Allowance Amount 2020 to 2021 – £1,073,100 2019 to 2020 – £1,055,000 2018 to 2019 – £1,030,000 2017 to 2018 – £1,000,000 2016 to 2017 – £1,000,000 2015 […]

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Beware of UK Pension scams caused by COVID19

UK Pension scams soared by 400% last month. Coronavirus is creating favourable conditions for scammers who prey on the vulnerable people and take advantage of panic, uncertainty and financial strain. If you are thinking of transferring you UK pension, ensure you read this useful advice to avoid financial fraud: If you receive a call you […]

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Are you ready to retire?

As a new retirement survey finds that many people due to retire are prepared to work past the UK State Pension Age? More than half consider working past the SPA More than half (54%) of those surveyed said they would consider working past the State Pension Age in an attempt to make their retirement more […]

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Top 5 UK pension planning tips

There’s been a lot of talk about pensions in the news recently, covering the recent rise in the state pension, pension charges and the possibility of more flexible annuities for retired people. We outline our top five tips so you can be sure your planning is on track. 1. Save and plan The often mentioned […]

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UK Pension withdrawals soar at the start of every tax year, 5 issues to avoid

Many people need to draw an income from their pension investments to cover everyday bills. Since the pension freedoms launched five years ago, April and May of the new tax year have consistently seen the greatest volume of withdrawals. Cash taken out of UK pension pots is up to a third higher in the first […]

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Pension Regulator allows defined benefit UK pension transfers to be paused

The UK Pension Regulator’s move to allow defined benefit UK Pension transfers to be paused to handle the coronavirus crisis could create challenges for advisers. The UK Pension Regulator’s plans to curb the effect of coronavirus on defined benefit schemes will create extra difficulties for advisers as they find that each pension scheme they are […]

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Job retention scheme & auto-enrolment contributions up to 3%

The job retention scheme will give those who may otherwise have faced unemployment in the current crisis a steady income, providing as much as 80% of your usual wages, with employers having the option to increase this amount to your full monthly income. The recent news that government grants would also allow for auto-enrolment contributions, […]

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The Financial Conduct Authority publishes consumer support guidance

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has released updated consumer support guidance for UK pension providers and defined benefit (DB) UK Pension transfer advisers during the Covid-19 pandemic. The organisation warned that providers must still steer clear of giving regulated advice by pointing customers towards specific changes to their investments, but explained that clients should be […]

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The Financial Conduct Authority delays default investment pathways

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has confirmed that the implementation of new default investment pathways will be delayed by 6 months as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The regulator has also announced delays to the introduction of more stringent rules for UK pension transfer specialists, which have now been postponed until October 2021. Stating […]

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What happens to my UK Pension during maternity leave?

If you decide to take parental leave (maternity leave, paternity leave or adoption leave), you should remain a member of your workplace pension scheme, and you and/or your employer will continue to make contributions, unless you decide to stop contributing. If you do stop contributing, your employer will also stop their contributions and you will […]

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Workers need explanation of UK pension contribution changes if furloughed

Employers must explain any defined contribution scheme contribution changes to furloughed workers. Employer pension contribution amounts, and what they are based on, must be covered in furlough agreements. Also, in order to adhere to auto-enrolment requirements, contribution rates might need to be changed if they are going to be covered by the Coronavirus Job Retention […]

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UK public service scheme Pension increases for 2020

The annual increase level to career average public sector pension schemes in 2020 have been announced, with fire service and armed forces’ schemes seeing the largest rise. The increases, which take effect from 6 April 2020, are required to be at least in line with the rise in additional pensions (state earnings related pensions and […]

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What should you do about your UK pension if you are made redundant or facing financial difficulty during the virus crisis?

When you are struggling financially, and worried about your job or you are already out of work, you need to prioritise what bills you must pay – food and a roof over your head must come first. If you are looking to make financial changes during the coronavirus emergency, your pension contributions may be something […]

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The State pension will rise nearly 4% from April 2020

The State pension will rise nearly 4% from April 2020 STATE PENSION payments are going to increase next week by up to £6.60, its highest rate increase since April 2012. The state pension rises each year, with the increases taking place utilising the governments triple lock mechanism. This means that both the basic and new […]

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Coronavirus and your uk pension:

Since the coronavirus outbreak, stock markets have fallen significantly and are volatile with large swings occurring daily, this will have an impact on your UK pension as the funds are directly invested in the stock market, although this does not apply state pension is unaffected by fluctuations in the stock market as the government pays […]

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